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Chat Frames with XMTP

The XMTP community has been actively discussing and implementing ways to enhance user experience by supporting frames within XMTP applications. An effort in this direction is detailed in a community post Supporting Frames in XMTP.

Open Frames

XMTP contributes to the Open Frames standard, fostering interoperability and open standards.


Popular frameworks have already integrated Open Frames into their stack:

  • OnChainKit: Discover how OnchainKit seamlessly incorporates XMTP payloads.
    • Quickstart: OnchainKit quickstart that integrates XMTP.
  • Frames.js: Learn about the integration of XMTP payloads within FrameJS.
    • Quickstart: OnchainKit quickstart that integrates XMTP.
  • Frog: There is an active discussion to integrate Open Frames.


Some clients are fully XMTP compatible and can render Frames signing XMTP payloads:

  • Converse: Converse is Frame compatible. Send your Frames through Converse.
  • Dev Inbox: Engage with Frames firsthand by trying them on web.


These are the foundational tools that allow developers to create, sign, and manage Frames created by Open Frames & XMTP

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